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This Author: Charles Finney
This Narrator: Kim Rasmussen
This Publisher: Aneko Press

Sermons on Gospel Themes by Charles Finney

Sermons on Gospel Themes

Addressing the Bible's Dual Themes of Justification and Sanctification

by Charles Finney


Title Details

Running Time
20 Hrs.


All Christians and sinners should understand that the whole plan is complete. They should understand that the whole of Christ - His character, His work, His atoning death, and His ever-living intercession - belongs to each and every person and simply needs to be accepted. There is a full ocean of it. There it is. You can just as well take it as not. You are invited and urged to drink, and to drink abundantly! This ocean supplies all your need. As the Scriptures say, He is of God made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). What do you need? Wisdom? Here it is. Righteousness? Here it is. Sanctification? Here you have it. It is all in Christ. Can you possibly think of anything needful for your salvation, moral purity, or your usefulness that is not here in Christ? Nothing. All is provided here.

But salvation, to be real and available, must be salvation from sin. A religion that does not break the power of sin is a lie. If it does not drive out selfishness and lust, and if it does not bring about love to God and man, joy, peace, and the fruit of the Spirit, it is false and worthless. It can be of no use. That which does not bring about in us the spirit of heaven and make us godly, no matter where it comes from, or by what deception it is defended, is a lie, and if it is fled to as a refuge, it is a refuge of lies. If it does not produce a heavenly mind, expel a worldly mind, and detach us from the love of the world, it is a lie. If it does not produce in us the love required in the Scriptures, genuine love and worship of God and also love for His people - if it does not produce all those states of mind that fit the soul for heaven, then it completely fails of its purpose.

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