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This Author: Bart D. Ehrman
This Publisher: UCTV

How the Bible Explains Suffering by Bart D. Ehrman

How the Bible Explains Suffering

by Bart D. Ehrman


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
58 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating
Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman asks how the Bible tackles human suffering in this lecture provided by UCTV. Outlining four ways that scripture tries to answer a burning question, we learn about how divine punishment, the nature of sin, and the phenomenon of evil have all been factored into the equation. After taking us through traditions that come from Exodus, the Prophetic Tradition and the Apocalyptic understanding of human suffering, Ehrman finds something timeless in the book of Ecclesiastes that may offer the wisest response to why human beings suffer. This talk is available on streaming video through YouTube and MP3 audio download and MPEG-4 video download through UCTV.

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