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This Author: Al Sharpton
This Publisher: FORA.tv

Al Sharpton and Christopher Hitchens Debate Religion by Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton and Christopher Hitchens Debate Religion

by Al Sharpton

Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 29 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating
Watch a stimulating debate between the Reverand Al Sharpton and God Is Not Great author Christopher Hitchens. Hitchens provides many arguments against religion, arguing against religious texts, dogmatic beliefs, and a creator God. Al Sharpton contends that Hitchens cannot prove the non-existence of God and argues that if immoral acts are performed in the name of God that they have no relation to the great character of God. They both reflect on the modern implications of a belief in God, as Hitchens denounces the intrusion of religion into politics and culture (particularly in the Middle East) and Sharpton emphasizes the role of religion in positive social change such as in the American Civil Rights Movement. The whole debate is handled with good humor, even if neither Sharpton nor Hitchens are able to change one another's minds. This debate was held at the New York Public Library and is available on streaming video from FORA.tv.

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