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This Author: Howard Pope
This Narrator: Lyle Blaker
This Publisher: Aneko Press

What Every Christian Needs to Know by Howard Pope

What Every Christian Needs to Know

Saved to Serve: Steps to a Wonderful Life of Winning Souls for Christ

by Howard Pope


Title Details

Running Time
5 Hrs.


Every Christian ought to be a soul-winner. Regardless of your occupation, your primary business is to win souls. Failing to do so means not only failure in this life but also regret and remorse in the life to come.

The world has always been willing to listen to a man with a real message from heaven. As Christians, we possess the greatest news ever told. Upon becoming a Christian, one should realize that, armed with the Gospel, he has more to offer the world than the whole world has to offer in return.

To be effective in personal evangelism, study human tendencies and the best ways to approach your fellow man. Study the Bible and learn how to apply its principles. Above all, uplift Christ, confident in the absolute assurance that the Holy Spirit will bless your efforts each time you speak for Christ. "My word will not return to Me void."

This book is designed to help those who wish to share the gospel with others but have limited experience and would welcome guidance and practical tips from a fellow laborer.

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