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This Author: John Bunyan
This Narrator: Mark Christensen
This Publisher: Aneko Press

The Life and Death of Mr. Badman by John Bunyan

The Life and Death of Mr. Badman

An Analysis of a Wicked Man's Life, as a Warning for Others

by John Bunyan


Title Details

Running Time
8 Hrs. 30 Min.


The life of Mr. Badman forms a third part to The Pilgrim's Progress, but it is not a delightful pilgrimage to heaven. On the contrary, it is a wretched downward journey to the infernal realms. The author's goal is to warn poor, thoughtless sinners, not with smooth words they can ignore, but with words that thunder against their consciences regarding the danger of their souls and the increasing wretchedness into which they are madly hurrying. The one who is in imminent but unseen danger will bless the warning voice if it reaches his ears, however rough and startling it may sound.

The life of Badman was written in an age when abandonment of moral principles, vice, gluttony, intemperance, habitual lewdness, and the excessive unlawful indulgence of lust marched like a ravaging army through our land, headed by the king, along with officers from his polluted peers. Is this book not also written for today, then?

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