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This Author: Thomas Watson
This Narrator: Reed Smith
This Publisher: Aneko Press

The Godly Man's Picture by Thomas Watson

The Godly Man's Picture

Drawn with a Scripture Pencil

by Thomas Watson


Title Details

Running Time
11 Hrs. 20 Min.


Here in this book, you have a godly person's portrait, and you see him portrayed in his full qualities and features. What a rare thing godliness is! Godliness is a ray and beam that shines from God. If God is true, then godliness is true. Genuine godliness is not light and fluffy, but it is solid and will engage the heart and spirit.

Christian, aspire after piety; it is a lawful ambition. Look at the saints' characteristics here, and never stop until you have got those same characteristics stamped upon your own soul.

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