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This Author: Reuben A. Torrey
This Narrator: Lyle Blaker
This Publisher: Aneko Press

Real Salvation by Reuben A. Torrey

Real Salvation

And Whole-Hearted Service for the Lord

by Reuben A. Torrey


Title Details

Running Time
8 Hrs. 15 Min.


What kind of Christian are you? Are you a mere formal Christian, or are you a real Christian? Are you one of these men or women who call themselves Christians, who go to the house of God on Sunday, who go to Communion, and perhaps teach a Bible class or a Sunday school class, but run around to the theater, a card party, dances, and all the frivolity and foolishness of the world the rest of the week? Are you one of the Christians who is trying to hold on to Jesus Christ with one hand and the world with the other? Or are you a real Christian who has renounced the world with your whole heart and given yourself to Jesus Christ with all your heart, a Christian who can sing, "I surrender all" and mean it? Where are you? What kind of a Christian are you?

Are you for Christ or are you against Him? You know you are either one or the other, for He says so. We read in Matthew 12:30 in the words of Jesus Himself: He that is not with me is against me. Everyone is either with Jesus wholeheartedly, confessedly, and openly, or else they are against Jesus. Which are you? For Christ or against Him?

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