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This Narrator: Jennifer Jill Araya
This Publisher: Dreamscape Media

Finding Deep and Wide by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson

Finding Deep and Wide

Stop Settling for the Life You Have and Live the One Jesus Died to Give You

by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson


Title Details

Running Time
7 Hrs. 2 Min.


We’re meant to live in such ongoing satisfaction in Jesus and transformation by Jesus that others are drawn to him through us - and all without joining a convent, hauling our sleeping bags to church, or barricading ourselves in the bathroom with our Bibles and prayer journals. The truth is that we can invest in all those religious activities and still be God-starved refugees going through the motions unless we learn how to trust Jesus to do in us what God asks of us.

This audiobook gives us permission to stop trying to please God and learn how to live in a pilgrim’s delicious irony - being satisfied while hungering for more.

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