Browse through Hundreds of Audio Lectures from The Buddhist Archives of Dr. Alexander Berzin. Here are the sections of audio lectures by Dr. Alexander Berzin:
Weekly Courses
Approaching Buddhism:
Spiritual Teachers
Introduction to Buddhism
Buddhism in the World Today
Modern Adaptation of Buddhism
Fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism:
Level 1: Getting Started
Level 2: Lam-rim (Graded Stage) Material
Level 3: Lojong (Attitude-Training) Material
Level 4: Deepening the Understanding of the Path
Level 5: Analysis of the Mind and Reality
Level 6: Study of the Major Indian Texts
Advanced Meditation:
Tantra Teachings
Daily Practice:
Prayers and Tantra Practices
Vows and Commitments
Historical, Cultural, and Comparative Studies:
History of Buddhism and Bon
Comparison of Buddhist Traditions
Buddhism and Islam