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This Author: Alexander Berzin
This Narrator: Alexander Berzin
This Publisher: The Berzin Archives

Audio Lectures from The Buddhist Archives of Dr. Alexander Berzin by Alexander Berzin

Audio Lectures from The Buddhist Archives of Dr. Alexander Berzin

by Alexander Berzin


Study Buddhism ? The Four Noble Truths: An Overview

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Browse through Hundreds of Audio Lectures from The Buddhist Archives of Dr. Alexander Berzin. Here are the sections of audio lectures by Dr. Alexander Berzin:

Weekly Courses

Approaching Buddhism:
Spiritual Teachers
Introduction to Buddhism
Buddhism in the World Today
Modern Adaptation of Buddhism

Fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism:
Level 1: Getting Started
Level 2: Lam-rim (Graded Stage) Material
Level 3: Lojong (Attitude-Training) Material
Level 4: Deepening the Understanding of the Path
Level 5: Analysis of the Mind and Reality
Level 6: Study of the Major Indian Texts

Advanced Meditation:
Tantra Teachings

Daily Practice:
Prayers and Tantra Practices
Vows and Commitments

Historical, Cultural, and Comparative Studies: History of Buddhism and Bon
Comparison of Buddhist Traditions
Buddhism and Islam

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