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In Depth with Christopher Buckley
Title Details
Running Time
2 Hrs. 58 Min.
Christopher Buckley talked about his life, work, and career. Topics included his parents, his father's life and work, the Catholic faith, his White House experiences, writing political satire, and politics. He responded to telephone calls and electronic communications. Mr. Buckley also wrote a book about Washington, D.C., Washington Schlepped Here: Walking in the Nation's Capital. Video clips were shown of him on April 21, 2009, at the memorials for Presidents Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jefferson, and Grant as he talked about the memorials and the Capitol. Still photos were also shown. Christopher Buckley is the author of fourteen books, including the novels Thank You for Smoking; Boomsday; and Supreme Courtship. He is the recipient of the Washington Irving Medal for Literary Excellence and the Thurber Prize for American Humor. Mr. Buckley is currently the editor-at-large of ForbesLife magazine and blogs a The Daily Beast. He is the son of William F. Buckley, Jr., and his latest book is a memoir titled, Losing Mum and Pup.
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