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This Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
This Narrator: Jon Reiss
This Publisher: LearnOutLoud.com

Napoleon: Man of the World by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Napoleon: Man of the World

by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
42 Min.
User Rating
  3.6  Stars Based on 10 ratings
Download this classic essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson from his series of essays Representative Men which was published in 1850. In this essay Emerson extols the Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte for his representation of the virtues & vices of the common man. Bonaparte cut through the political disputes following the French Revolution and embodied the pursuits of his constituents in France and Europe, seeking material wealth and fame. Emerson sees the rise and fall of Napoleon as exemplary of the selfish material pursuits of modern man. Download this essay on MP3 exclusively through LearnOutLoud.com.

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