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This Author: Niall Ferguson
This Publisher: Conversations with History

World Order with Niall Ferguson by Niall Ferguson

World Order with Niall Ferguson

by Niall Ferguson


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
55 Min.


Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes historian Niall Ferguson of the Hoover Institution who is the 2016 Underhill Lecturer at Berkeley. After discussing the importance of Anglo-American Studies and the wave of populism sweeping the West, including Brexit and the Trump phenomena, the conversation turns to an in depth look at Ferguson's recent book, "Kissinger, 1923-1969, The Idealist." Ferguson details the evolution of Kissinger's thinking about international affairs up until the time he assumes the position of national security advisor to President Nixon. He chronicles the influence of mentors (Kraemer and Elliot), the impact of experience (service in military intelligence and Harvard education) and the evidence of Kissinger's writings on international order and on nuclear weapons. The conversation concludes by highlighting the themes that emerge from Kissinger's intellectual evolution in the period before he assumes power.

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