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This Author: Michael Mongomery
This Publisher: American Public Media

The Few Who Stayed - Defying Genocide in Rwanda by Michael Mongomery

The Few Who Stayed - Defying Genocide in Rwanda

by Michael Mongomery

Title Details

Running Time
51 Min.


In April 1994, the central African nation of Rwanda exploded into 100 days of violence, killing 800,000 people. Most turned their backs to the bloodshed. Here is the story of those who stayed.

Producers: Michael Montgomery and Stephen Smith
Editor: Deborah George
Coordinating Producer: Sasha Aslanian
Project Coordinator: Misha Quill
Production Assistants: Ellen Guettler, Samantha Kennedy, and Neil Tassoni
Mixing: Craig Thorson and Scott Liebers
Web Producer: Ochen Kaylan
Executive Producer: Bill Buzenberg

Produced in cooperation with PBS' Frontline and filmmaker Greg Barker.

Major funding for American RadioWorks. comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the members of American Public Media. Additional funding for The Few Who Stayed was provided by the Open Society Institute and the Ploughshares Fund.

American RadioWorks is the national documentary unit of American Public Media.

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