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This Author: Shashi Tharoor
This Publisher: TED Talks

Shashi Tharoor: Why Nations Should Pursue "Soft" Power by Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor: Why Nations Should Pursue "Soft" Power

by Shashi Tharoor


Title Details

Running Time
17 Min.
Indian Parliament member and author Shashi Tharoor takes a fresh look at India's rise as a world superpower. Instead of pursuing the economic and military superiority of past world superpowers, Tharoor argues that his country should pursue "soft" power when presenting themselves to the rest of the world. He points out how the story of America and American culture have often had more influence globally than their economic or military might. Tharoor demonstrates how from ancient history to the present India has had a very rich story to tell and how Indian culture is now beginning pervade throughout the rest of the world. This talk was delivered at TEDIndia and is available on MP3 audio download and streaming video.

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