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This Author: Alan M. Dershowitz
This Publisher: C-SPAN

Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Alan M. Dershowitz

Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid

by Alan M. Dershowitz


Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs. 27 Min.


Former President Jimmy Carter talks about his book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Immediately following the event and former President Carter's departure, Alan Dershowitz responds to points made by former President Carter regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Former President Carter argues in his book that the only way for Israel to achieve lasting security is to withdraw from occupied territory and revert to internationally-recognized boundaries. At this event former President Carter summarizes the book and addresses issues surrounding its public reception, including his use of the word 'apartheid,' his statements regarding Jews and the American media, his opinions on the responsibility of Palestinian leadership, and his decision not to debate Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz at the event.

He also apologizes for a sentence in the book that implies Israel is responsible for stopping Palestinian acts of terror, and challenged Brandeis University students and professors to travel to the region to determine whether his claims regarding human rights abuses are justified. President Carter respondes to audience members' questions.

Mr. Dershowitz challenges several points made in the book, calling former President Carter's synopsis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict overly simplistic and claiming that the former president changes his approach depending on his audience. He also questions Carter's influence on Yasser Arafat's decision to reject the terms offered at Camp David in 2000.

Then Mr. Dershowitz debates with students in the audience on topics including the influence of Israeli checkpoints on religious fundamentalism, the role of Iran in the Middle East, and the impact of Israeli settlements on the peace process.

The program contains a portion with poor audio quality at the start of Mr. Dershowitz's remarks due to technical problems in the auditorium.

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