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This Author: Shashi Tharoor
This Publisher: Conversations with History

India and the World with Shashi Tharoor by Shashi Tharoor

India and the World with Shashi Tharoor

by Shashi Tharoor


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
49 Min.


Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcome Indian Parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor for a discussion of India's role in world affairs. Tharoor discusses his journey from international civil servant to Indian politician. After analyzing how world order is changing as a result of the changing balance of power from the West to the East and the revolution in communications technology, he then outlines the role India will play as it undergoes major social and economic transformation. He discusses the implications for US Indian relations analyzing the interface between the superpower turning to multilateralism and a rising power shaping the future of multilateralism. He concludes with reflections on India relations with China.

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