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In Depth with Bernard Lewis by Bernard Lewis

In Depth with Bernard Lewis

by Bernard Lewis


Title Details

Running Time
3 Hrs.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Middle East scholar Bernard Lewis will be our In Depth guest on Sunday, April 6th, beginning at Noon ET. Mr. Lewis is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University. His books include: "The Arabs in History" (1950), "The Emergence of Modern Turkey" (1961), "The Assassins" (1967), "Race and Color in Islam" (1979), "The Jews of Islam" (1987), "History Remembered, Recovered, Invented" (1987), "Islam from the Prophet Muhammad to the Capture of Constantinople" (1987), "The Political Language of Islam" (1988), "Istanbul and the Civilizations of the Ottoman Empire" (1989), "Race and Slavery in the Middle East: an Historical Enquiry" (1990), "Islam and the West" (1993), "Islam in History" (1993), "The Shaping of the Modern Middle East" (1993), "Cultures in Conflict" (1995), "The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years" (1995), "The Future of the Middle East" (1997), "The Multiple Identities of the Middle East" (1998), "A Middle East Mosaic" (2000), "Music of a Different Drum" (2001), "The Muslim Discovery of Europe" (2001), "Islam in History" (2001), "What Went Wrong?" (2002). His new book is titled, "The Crisis of Islam" (2003). The program will be LIVE for three hours from Professor Lewis' home in Princeton, New Jersey. Call in with your questions or e-mail them to us at booktv@c-span.org. Book TV's In Depth can be seen on the first Sunday of every month, beginning at Noon ET on C-SPAN 2.

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