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This Author: Adam Winkler
This Publisher: UCTV

The Fight Over Guns by Adam Winkler

The Fight Over Guns

by Adam Winkler


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
58 Min.
As the debate over gun control continues throughout the United States, UCTV’s Legally Speaking hosts Adam Winkler, law professor and author of the book Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America, to discuss the 2nd Amendment from a historical perspective, the key points of modern division, and how we might come to a consensus. From Winkler’s point of view, the more one learns about guns and how they are categorized, the more nuanced one’s understanding has to become when considering the ways to regulate distribution. Historically, America’s Founding Fathers conceived of the right to bear arms within the context of a collective militia that would defend the country, but as Winkler is quick to point out, most gun-regulation laws have interpreted the right to own a gun as a personal, civil right. Hence, as long as lawmakers attempt broad measures to take away gun access from individuals, Winkler feels they will be ineffective. This talk is available on MP3 audio download from the UCTV website and on streaming video from the UCTV YouTube channel.

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