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This Author: Alan M. Dershowitz
This Publisher: Intelligence Squared U.S.

The Constitutional Right to Bear Arms Has Outlived Its Usefulness by Alan M. Dershowitz

The Constitutional Right to Bear Arms Has Outlived Its Usefulness

by Alan M. Dershowitz


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 48 Min.
Is the Second Amendment a historic anachronism designed during a time without police and when militias were more important to American national defense? Or does it embody American attitudes towards independence, and remain a vital means of maintaining the security of a free state? In this fierce debate hosted by Intelligence Squared, Alan Dershowitz and Sandy Levinson argue that the right to bear arms would be defined differently if written in 2015, with the basic right of self-defense superseding the specific right to carry weapons. On the opposing side, David Kopel and Eugene Volokh agree that everyone has a basic right to defend themselves, but go further by pressing that the tools necessary should be explicitly safeguarded for anyone that wishes to use them.

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