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This Author: Peter L. Bergen
This Publisher: Intelligence Squared U.S.

It's Time to End the War on Terror by Peter L. Bergen

It's Time to End the War on Terror

by Peter L. Bergen


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 44 Min.
Is the term "War on Terror" an outdated description that has outlived the current state of play in the global effort to curb terrorist activity? For this Intelligence Squared debate, Security expert Peter Bergen is joined by former Obama-administration expert Juliette Kayyem to argue that while terrorism is still very much a threat, the nature of that threat has changed in the decade since September 11th. With Al Qaeda on its last legs, the "War on Terror" calls back to another era, where the American-led fight to abolish Osama Bin Laden's terror network has given way to a more sporadic, less focused enemy. On the flip-side, Micahel Hayden and Richard Falkenrath argue that the legal tools made available when a country is in a declared state of war allows for lawful execution of operations that would otherwise be considered illegal.

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