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This Author: Tim Carney
This Publisher: Intelligence Squared U.S.

Blame the Elites for the Trump Phenomenon by Tim Carney

Blame the Elites for the Trump Phenomenon

by Tim Carney


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 45 Min.
In this debate from Intelligence Squared U.S. the two sides argue over who is responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. One side argues that the Trump Phenomenon is due to the elites of both parties ignoring the voice of the declining American middle class. They argue that the political elite's devotion to special interests and their bailouts of the big banks has created frustration in middle America who have not seen much recovery from the financial disaster of 2008. The opposing side blames the voters and the media for the rise of Donald Trump, emphasizing that his rise is largely a response to his stirring up fears about immigration, crime, and terrorism. Neither side are particularly fans of the Trump Phenomenon, but they both offer interesting insight into how this unprecedented candidate has rose to such heights. The two-hour debate is available to stream on YouTube and also is available on MP3 audio download from the Intelligence Squared U.S. website.

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