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This Author: Rebecca Perl
This Publisher: American Public Media

Whose Vote Counts? by Rebecca Perl

Whose Vote Counts?

by Rebecca Perl

Title Details

Running Time
52 Min.


The fiasco in Florida got the most attention in the 2000 election, and it would be easy to assume that better voting machines will solve America's problems at the polls. But the flaws in our voting system are deeper than that. It turns out that in the 2000 race, the people whose vote most often got lost or rejected were citizens who have been traditionally discriminated against - African Americans and other minorities, new immigrants, and the disabled. And when it comes to one whole class of Americans, the nation's 5 million convicted felons, a criminal sentence can mean losing the power to vote for life.

Producers: Rebecca Perl, Michael Montgomery, and Jamison York
Editors: Deborah George and Dan Noyes
Coordinating Producer: Sasha Aslanian
Project Coordinator: Misha Quill
Mixing: Craig Thorson
Production Assistance: Sarah Lancaster, Phoebe Larsen, Sarah Fazio, Inna Ponomarenko, Jason Dearen, and Michael Chandler
Managing Editor: Stephen Smith
Executive Director: Burt Glass
Executive Producer: Bill Buzenberg

Major funding for American RadioWorks® comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

American RadioWorks is the national documentary unit of American Public Media.

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