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This Author: Evan Wolfson
This Publisher: C-SPAN

Gay Marriage Debate by Evan Wolfson

Gay Marriage Debate

by Evan Wolfson


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 58 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating
Watch this debate on gay marriage with David Blankenhorn, author of The Future of Marriage, and Evan Wolfson, author of Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry. This 2 hour debate, along with audience questions, becomes quite heated, but is very informative as to the positions on each side of the gay marriage debate. Blankenhorn expresses his belief of what marriage is and what it means for parents and children if the definition of marriage is changed. Wolfson cites studies by numerous organizations that have shown gay marriage to not be harmful in regards to raising children, and to deny gay couples marriage is discrimination and violates their civil rights. This debate was conducted on C-SPAN and can be viewed on streaming video through FORA.tv.

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