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Rights of Man
Title Details
Running Time
9 Hrs. 36 Min.
A book in 2 Parts, published in 1791 and 1792. Part First denounces Edmund Burke’s defense of monarchy and his attacks against the French Revolution, and in plain layman’s language traces the birth and fallacy of monarchy, and the source of man's inalienable rights. Part Second examines the roots and benefits of constitutional government. Written with Paine's dry wit and hard hitting logic, in layman's language, the book was widely circulated in Europe and America. Considered the earliest complete statement of republican principles, Paine opposes the idea of hereditary kings and speaks against the belief in dictatorial government as necessary to a well-managed society. Paine's visionary call for republicanism and social welfare was generations ahead of its time, and landed him in prison and narrowly escaping the guillotine! NOTE: Long chapters of this document have been divided into Parts to comply with audio file size requirements. While not designated thus by Paine, every effort has been made to create logical divisions.
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