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This Author: H.G. Wells
This Narrator: John Trevithick
This Publisher: LibriVox

Anticipations by H.G. Wells


by H.G. Wells

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
8 Hrs. 31 Min.


Wells considered this book one of his most important, a natural follow-up to such works as his Man of the Year Million and The Time Machine. His goal was to get people to think and act in new ways. The book starts with a look at how humans get along socially and how they carry out their business ventures. It then discusses how these elements influence others, such as politics, the world of work, and education. H. G. tried to make clear how the current social order was disintegrating without preparing another to take its place. He then traced the roots of democracy, which in its present state he saw as unworkable. Instead, he proposed a new republic. He also critiqued modern warfare.

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