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This Author: Dallas Willard
This Publisher: Veritas Forum

What Does It Mean To Be Human? by Dallas Willard

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

by Dallas Willard

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
50 Min.
Get some perspective from philosophy professor & Christian author Dallas Willard as he attempts to explain "What Does It Mean To Be Human?". In his authoritative style, Dallas Willard clarifies the core tenants that make a healthy human being tick in this downloadable audio lecture released by the Veritas Forum. Willard explores the ever-changing cultural currents that have led to our current identification of self in the 21st century; a series of trends that he feels have done more harm than good.

It is his belief that a God-centered need for love and knowledge is being lost in a society that puts a premium on desire. Always insightful and frequently controversial, Willard's lectures offer cogent arguments that cut through the dogma in order to define religion's role in the modern world. This lecture is available on MP3 Download and streaming audio.

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