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Kyle Johnson on Inception and Philosophy by Kyle Johnson

Kyle Johnson on Inception and Philosophy

by Kyle Johnson


Title Details

Running Time
42 Min.


The book explores the movie's key questions and themes, including how we can tell if we're dreaming or awake, how to make sense of a paradox, and whether or not inception is possible. It also gives new insights into the nature of free will, time, dreams, and the unconscious mind. In addition, it discusses different interpretations of the film, and whether or not philosophy can help shed light on which is the "right one,' and deepens your understanding of the movie's multi-layered plot and dream-infiltrating characters, including Dom Cobb, Arthur, Mal, Ariadne, Eames, Saito, and Yusuf.

You can find the complete "And Philosophy" series at http://andphilosophy.com/

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