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This Author: Daniel N. Robinson
This Publisher: Oxford University

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason by Daniel N. Robinson

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

by Daniel N. Robinson

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Audio Original
Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason stands as a touchstone work in modern philosophy, and in this free course provided by Oxford, Professor Daniel Robinson will bring his wit, enthusiasm and deep scholarship to bear on this seminal, though admittedly difficult book. What was Kant’s project? As Robinson puts it, Kant wanted to know just how far human knowledge could reach, or to put it another way, how much our senses and reason could allow us to access “reality” as it exists outside of human experience. Kant stood in stark contrast to Hume’s Empiricism, which held that our senses always stood as a potentially distorting mediator between human beings and objective reality. Kant’s Critique was thus a rigorous exploration aimed at finding a stable, scientific “image” of reality that could be relied upon again and again.

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