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This Author: Immanuel Kant
This Narrator: Craig Campbell, Larry Wilson
This Publisher: LibriVox

Anthropology by Immanuel Kant


by Immanuel Kant

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
5 Hrs. 2 Min.


Immanuel Kant gave a series of lectures on anthropology 1772-1773, 1795-1796 at the University of Königsberg, which was founded in 1544. His lectures dealt with recognizing the internal and external in man, cognition, sensuousness, the five senses, as well as the soul and the mind. They were gathered together and published in 1798 and then published in English in The Journal of Speculative Philosophy in 1867, volumes 9-16. Therefore, several texts will be used for this book. I was able to find sections 1-37 and then section 43, and sections 47-57. It seems that sections 38-42, 44-46 are not available. This is book one of his longer works.

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