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This Author: Marianne Talbot
This Publisher: Oxford University

A Romp Through the Philosophy of Mind by Marianne Talbot

A Romp Through the Philosophy of Mind

by Marianne Talbot


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
6 Hrs. 40 Min.


The mind is a fascinating entity. Where, after all, would we be without it? But what exactly is it? These days many people believe the mind simply is the brain. Descartes would have disagreed profoundly. He recommended a dualism of substance. Modern philosophers are again finding various forms of dualism attractive because the problems with physicalism are so intractable. One such problem is whether the mind, like the brain, is located in space (specifically inside the head). But does philosophy have anything sensible to say about the mind? Surely today it is scientists we should be listening to? Come and find out why this is – and always will be – false.

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