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This Author: Marianne Talbot
This Publisher: Oxford University

Philosophy for Beginners by Marianne Talbot

Philosophy for Beginners

by Marianne Talbot


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
7 Hrs.
Oxford’s Marianne Talbot hosts a brief introduction to the major philosophers, and their contribution to the Western philosophical tradition in this series of lectures. Right off the bat, philosophy is described in scientific terms, with the Greeks being one of the first on record to look for explanations that were earth-bound and based in reality. The course is structured in a way that allows students to focus more on the ideas of the great thinkers, with entire lectures devoted to logic, ethics, metaphysics, linguistic analysis, and more. Talbot’s enthusiasm for philosophy in infectious, with a breezy delivery that touches on deep ideas that may be difficult to grasp were it not for her ability to break it down for the listener. Download these podcasts on audio or video from the Oxford podcast website.

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