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Hope Beyond Hell by Gerry Beauchemin

Hope Beyond Hell

The Righteous Purpose of God's Judgment

by Gerry Beauchemin

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
11 Hrs. 30 Mins.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


Have you been troubled by the thought of death and of Hell?

If so, this is for you. "Hope Beyond Hell" makes a compelling Biblical case affirming all God's judgments have a good and remedial purpose.What others are saying...


-"I love Hope Beyond Hell; it changed my life. After 60 years of being afraid of God, I was finally introduced to the true God of infinite love, who is bound neither by time nor death; the Savior of the whole world." - Dr. Terry Schwartz Prof., Wheaton College

-"Have you been tormented by the thought of dying? Do you know the anguish of thinking that you or a loved one might suffer in hell forever? You are not alone. As I read Hope Beyond Hell, I cried for joy. It assures us of a Love that never gives up on us no matter how miserably we fail." - Charles Slagle - author of "From the Father's Heart." Evangelist

-"Gerry Beauchemin backs up his hope, not with fancy theories, but by numerous Scriptures and quotes from Bible scholars of many generations. Everyone needs to read and study this book." - Richard W. Rundell, Ph.D.

-"Hope Beyond Hell is one of the best books ever written showing from Scripture that God's judgments are remedial, corrective, and temporary." - Dr. Stephen Jones, M.Div., D.D., Author, speaker

-"As a hospice chaplain for 14 years, I counseled hundreds of dying patients. In my experience, Christians believing in eternal punishment, especially in literal fire, were much more fearful of death than others. How can this be since Christ came to free us from the fear of death (Heb. 2:15)? Hope Beyond Hell gives a Biblical basis for total peace in the face of death." - Rev. Boyd Purcell, M.A., M.Div., Ph.D. Author, speaker; Board Certified Chaplain and National Board Certified Counselor


-"The magnificent love and wisdom of God has not been written about with such clarity since the days of the patriarchs. I applaud Gerry Beauchemin for producing this important book. I have waited twenty-five years for it." - Michael Wm. Gross, D.D., Th.D., Ph.D., Maryland

-"Everyone should read and study Hope Beyond Hell, a book of hope. Read it, understand it, and share its message with others." - Harold Lovelace, M.Th, D.D. Author of Read and Search God's Plan, AL

-"With great spiritual discernment and a heart attuned to the transforming love of God, Gerry Beauchemin has written a book that will, if you permit it, inspire love, peace, joy, and hope - all the fruit of the Spirit - in your own heart." - Thomas Talbott, Professor Emeritus, Willamette University, Oregon Author of The Inescapable Love of God

-"I first learned, espoused, and taught the truths presented in this book over 40 years ago. Hope Beyond Hell encapsulates them better than any I have read." - Bill Boylan, Ph.D., Author, Speaker, South Dakota

-"This is an excellent book. Many who attend the churches of our day would do well to read Hope Beyond Hell and to study and think for themselves." - Bob Evely, M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, Author of At the End of the Ages, Kentucky

-"Hope Beyond Hell answers the questions we have been afraid to ask about God's unfailing love and inexhaustible patience." - Pastor Ivan A. Rogers, Former Bible College President, Author of Judas Iscariot: Revisited and Restored, Iowa

-"As an instructor in Church History, Hope Beyond Hell is one of the most balanced studies available on the remedial judgments of God and the great truth of the restoration of all things in Christ. The author has done it in a logical, common sense way the average layman can understand. This is a book about the love of God." - Rev. Terry Miller, M. Phil, Former Pres., Bethesda Mennonite Institute of the Bible, Former member of the House of Representatives, SD

-"Hope Beyond Hell is a bold and impassioned plea for Christians of every stripe to consider the grand proposition that God's goodness, grace and love reaches farther than most of us have ever dared to imagine. Gerry‘s comprehensive research of the biblical record and extra-biblical sources is powerfully, even overwhelmingly compelling. All who read this book with a spiritual mind and listen with spiritual ears will receive a deepened revelation of Christ in God." - Dr. Bruce A. Gerlach, Professor, College of the Ozarks, Missouri

-"Hope Beyond Hell is a must-read‘ for those who have lost their way because they couldn‘t reconcile a Bible declaring God is Love,‘ while simultaneously teaching that the fate of the sinner is eternal damnation. Layer by layer, concept by concept, this book will loose the bonds of insanity that has plagued the Church for centuries." - Grady Brown, M.Th, D.Litt. Director and founder of Dayspring Bible Ministries, Texas

-"Hope Beyond Hell is one of the most concise books covering the subject of the righteous purpose of God's judgment. The reader will see that God will not rest until He will become All in all (1Cor 15:28)." - Dr. Marian Paul Kampik, Silesian University, Poland

-"Hope Beyond Hell is an excellent and well researched book. I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit is using Gerry at this very important time in Church history." - Rev. Rod Walton CJ: Anglican Independent Communion, Founder of Bereavement Rescue, United Kingdom.

-"Hope Beyond Hell explains the facts of God‘s limitless grace and boundless love. It truly offers hope beyond hell. Carry a case to all funerals! This is the book I‘ve been waiting for!" - Pastor Robert Rutherford, Speaker, Teacher, Songwriter, Georgia

-"For decades I have questioned the need for and the justice of eternal punishment in light of God being love.‘ This is a well-researched book, providing fresh insights into the teachings of the Church Fathers, and difficult texts like Mat. 25 and Luke 16. Even if one does not agree with his conclusion, one does feel reassured about the extent of God's love in Christ." - Peter Kuiper, M.Div., Fuller Seminary, Ed.D, Nova University, CA


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