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This Author: Belinda Jack
This Publisher: Gresham College

The Mysteries of Reading and Writing by Belinda Jack

The Mysteries of Reading and Writing

by Belinda Jack


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
6 Hrs.
Reading is something many of us take for granted once we’ve gained basic literacy, but when we teach it to someone else, the act of reading becomes a more mysterious process. In this free course provided by Gresham College, Professor Belinda Jack breaks down the process of reading, how it is unique to humans, how it differs and works in interesting tandem by speech, how it helps us interact with our native language, and how the reading life ultimately broadens our perspective of the world we live in. Throughout the course, Professor Jack looks at reading from a wide-range of interdisciplinary perspectives, tracing how the act of reading has been interpreted through the lens of history, gender studies, educational methods, neuroscience, and political theory. This 6-part, 6-hour course is available through the Gresham College YouTube channel.

Gresham College, located in London, offers a number of other free public lecture series on YouTube. Browse over 20 of these on LearnOutLoud: Over 20 Public Lecture Series from Gresham College.

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