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This Author: James Shapiro
This Publisher: Intelligence Squared U.K.

Shakespeare vs. Milton: The Kings of English Literature Debate by James Shapiro

Shakespeare vs. Milton: The Kings of English Literature Debate

by James Shapiro


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
2 Hrs. 10 Min.
William Shakespeare is pitted against John Milton to determine the king of English literature in this streaming video debate presented by Intelligence Squared. On the one side, English professor James Shapiro presents his case for Shakespeare, arguing that the bard's complex understanding of human relations, his unparalleled range, and the multiple ways in which his work and characters can be interpreted are reason enough to crown him king. On the other side, Nigel Smith argues that with Paradise Lost alone, John Milton was able to push the biblical story of Man's fall into new territory, taking a well-known story and imaginatively reshaping it to add layers of emotional complexity that equal anything Shakespeare was able to accomplish in his many plays. The two advocates in the debate are aided immensely by three award-winning actors that are on hand to act out scenes from Shakespeare and passages from Paradise Lost, making for an exciting discussion regardless of who ends up taking the prize.

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