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Modern Culture and the Arts by Robb Bomboy

Modern Culture and the Arts

HUM 101

by Robb Bomboy

Title Details

Audio Original


Learn about where you come from! Understand the world you live in now by studying the development of our culture and aesthetic values. Why do we think some things are beautiful, and others are ugly? This course broadens the students’ perception of an appreciation for the humanities by exploring the contribution of the arts to the individual and to society. Emphasis is given to modern developments in such areas as the visual, performing, literary, and environmental arts. Concepts basic to a systematic understanding of the humanities in relation to everyday life are examined through a variety of media and aesthetic experiences. Lectures follow the course textbook: Fiero. The Humanistic Tradition. 6th edition (Six Volumes) ISBN 978-0-07-352397-2 ISBN 978-0-07-734618-8 ISBN 978-0-07-734624-6 ISBN 978-0-07-734626-3 ISBN 978-0-07-734622-5 ISBN 978-0-07-734625-6 The podcasts are to be a supplement to in class participation. Learners outside of HACC can purchase the textbook and follow along with the class. Please send any suggestions or comments to robb.bomboy@gmail.com.

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