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This Author: Jeffrey Brenzel
This Publisher: Big Think

Jeffrey Brenzel: The Essential Value of a Classic Education by Jeffrey Brenzel

Jeffrey Brenzel: The Essential Value of a Classic Education

by Jeffrey Brenzel


Title Details

Running Time
57 Min.
Jeffrey Brenzel, Philosopher and Dean of Undergraduate Admissions at Yale University, argues why you should read old and outdated classics as opposed to just new books. First he lays out his criteria for what makes a work of literature a classic. He briefly delves into some of the classics such as Plato’s Republic and how the thought of Plato and Socrates influenced Western thought up to the present day. He explains that studying classic books helps us understand how we got to where we are now, but also provides us with alternative perspectives that we may not encounter in our daily life that can broaden and enrich our view of the World. Ultimately he argues that while the classics might take more effort to read than your latest bestseller, they produce richer rewards that can change your ideas and your life.

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