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In Depth with Harold Bloom by Harold Bloom

In Depth with Harold Bloom

by Harold Bloom


Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs. 58 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Live on Sunday May 4th our In Depth guest will be Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University and Berg Professor of English at New York University. Mr. Bloom has written twenty-eight books. In chronological order, they are: “Shelley’s Mythmaking” (1959), “The Visionary Company” (1961), “Blake’s Apocalypse” (1963), “Commentary on David Erdman’s Edition of the Poetry and Prose of William Blake” (1965), “Yeats” (1970), “The Ringers in the Tower: Studies in the Romantic Tradition” (1971), “The Anxiety of Influence” (1973), “A Map of Misreading” (1975), “Kabbalah and Criticism” (1975), “Poetry and Repression” (1976), “Figures of Capable Imagination” (1976), “Wallace Stevens: The Poems of Our Climate” (1977), “The Flight to Lucifer” (1979), “The Breaking of the Vessels” (1982), “Agon: Towards a Theory of Revisionism” (1982), “The Strong Light of the Canonical” (1987), “Poetics of Influence” (1988), “Ruin the Sacred Truths” (1989), “The Book of J” (1990), “The American Religion” (1992), “The Western Canon” (1994), “Omens of Millennium” (1996), “Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human” (1998), “How to Read and Why (2000), “Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of all Ages” (2001), "The Future of Imagnation" (2001) published in Catalonian and Spanish, “Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds” (2002), and “Hamlet: Poem Unlimited” (2003). In Depth with Harold Bloom will be shown live at 12pm Eastern Time on Sunday, May 4. Call in with your questions during the three hour program or e-mail them to booktv@c-span.org.

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