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This Author: Franz Kafka
This Narrator: Michael Scott
This Publisher: Thought Audio

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka


by Franz Kafka


Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs. 16 Min.
User Rating
  4.1  Stars Based on 10 ratings
Franz Kafka's novella is a bonafide 20th century classic about a traveling salesman that wakes up one morning to find his body has been transformed into that of a giant dung beatle. This highly symbolic tale about the plight of the modern working man, human alienation, and the eternal need to fit in has gone on to be Kafka's signature work. The audio version is brought to you through Thought Audio, and is narrated in a crisp performance by Michael Scott. If you've ever been interested in Kafka or have heard of the story's premise but never checked it out, now is the time. This book really is as good as everyone says!

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