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This Author: Horace Walpole
This Narrator: Barbara Baker
This Publisher: LibriVox

Horace Walpole's Letters: A Selection by Horace Walpole

Horace Walpole's Letters: A Selection

by Horace Walpole

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
5 Hrs. 44 Min.


Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Orford, was a cultivated participant in, and observer of, the social and political life of Georgian England. His charming and witty letters are valuable pictures of the age. "A man so blessed that he could unfold every gift, every foible, whose long life spreads like a great lake reflecting houses and friends and wars and snuff boxes and revolutions and lap dogs, the great and the little, all intermingled, and behind them a stretch of the serene blue sky." Virginia Woolf.

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