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This Author: William Gibson
This Publisher: Chicago Humanities Festival

William Gibson and the Decline of Cyberspace by William Gibson

William Gibson and the Decline of Cyberspace

by William Gibson


Title Details

Running Time
58 Min.
William Gibson, the forefather of "cyberpunk" science fiction, discusses genre, changing technology, and future trends in this streaming interview. Gibson started his writing career as an avid science fiction fan, but came to his first book, Neuromancer with a list of genre conventions he swore he'd never bring to his own work. The resultant mix of science fiction, detective noir, and cultural satire provided a potent mix that infused SF with new life in the 1980s and has proved influential on subsequent writers such as Neal Stephenson and films such as The Matrix. Also credited with coining the term "cyberspace", Gibson comments that the phrase has lost some of its meaning now that the distinction between real life and virtual reality is blurring. Ultimately Gibson is still an open advocate of technological progress but remains watchful of the perilous ways our latest tools can harm us.

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