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This Author: Toni Morrison
This Publisher: Book TV

In Depth with Toni Morrison by Toni Morrison

In Depth with Toni Morrison

by Toni Morrison


Title Details

Running Time
3 Hrs.
In this three hour discussion hosted by BookTV, Pulitzer and Nobel prize-winning author Toni Morrison discusses her life, craft, and books, including such classics as Beloved, The Bluest Eye, Sula, and Song of Solomon. Describing herself as a black woman writer and teacher, Morrison grew up in Ohio, and didn't write professionally until she was nearly 40 years old. After talking briefly about her upbringing, nearly two hours of the program are devoted to calls and emails from fans, with topics ranging from how to identify a personal writing style, how Morrison develops characters, and some of the true-life origins of her vivid, emotionally rich novels.

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