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This Author: Randall Garrett
This Narrator: Catharine Eastman
This Publisher: LibriVox

Brain Twister by Randall Garrett

Brain Twister

by Randall Garrett

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
5 Hrs. 18 Min.


"Mark Phillips" is, or are, two writers: Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer. Their joint pen-name, derived from their middle names (Philip and Mark), was coined soon after their original meeting, at a science-fiction convention. Both men were drunk at the time, which explains a good deal, and only one has ever sobered up. A matter for constant contention between the collaborators is which one.

Originally published as That Sweet Little Old Lady, Brain Twister follows the adventures of FBI agent Kenneth J. Malone as he attempts to unravel the machinations of a telepathic spy. His first problem: how do you find a telepath to catch the first telepath?

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