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This Author: Helen Hunt Jackson
This Narrator: Katie Gibboney
This Publisher: LibriVox

Ramona by Helen Hunt Jackson


by Helen Hunt Jackson

Title Details

Katie Gibboney, and more
Unabridged Edition
Running Time
15 Hrs. 48 Min.


Ramona, a novel written by Helen Hunt Jackson (1884), is the story of a part-Scottish and part-Native American orphan girl growing up and getting married in Southern California, suffering racial discrimination and hardship. Originally serialized in the Christian Union on a weekly basis, the novel became immensely popular. Overall, it has had more than 300 printings, been made into four film versions, and has been performed as an outdoor play annually since 1923. The impact the novel had on the culture and image of Southern California was enormous. Its romanticization of Mexican colonial life gave the region a unique cultural identity and its publication coincided with the arrival of railroad lines to the region, bringing in countless tourists who wanted to see the locations in the novel. (Summary from Wikipedia)

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