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This Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
This Narrator: Jon Reiss
This Publisher: LearnOutLoud.com

Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson


by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
1 Hr. 20 Min.
User Rating
  4.6  Stars Based on 15 ratings


LearnOutLoud.com presents Nature, complete and unabridged by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The essays that make up this slim volume were first published anonymously in 1836. Here Emerson lays down the foundation of what would later become known as transcendentalism; a world-view that argues for a new perspective on how humans can interact with the natural world. Using bold imagery and beautifully written language to illustrate his points, Emerson formulates a belief system where nature itself is a divine entity that we can know directly.

With Nature and the essays that followed, Emerson established himself as one of the first quintessentially American writers. His influence can be felt in the work of contemporaries such as Walt Whitman, and ideological heirs like Henry David Thoreau. We are pleased to present to you this American classic on audio.

Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson was published in 1836 and is in the public domain. This audio book was recorded by LearnOutLoud.com and is narrated by Jon Reiss. Copyright © 2007 LearnOutLoud, Inc. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned.

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