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This Author: Ayn Rand
This Narrator: Michael Scott
This Publisher: Thought Audio

Anthem by Ayn Rand


by Ayn Rand


Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs.
User Rating
  4.2  Stars Based on 8 ratings
Ayn Rand's books are made for audio. In these busy times very few people have the time to sit down and read The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged. But get these audio books and pop them on in your car while you're commuting and you can finish them up in a month or two. It's a great testament to the opportunity represented by audio learning.

If you would like to check start off with a more bite-sized portion of Rand's wisdom check out ThoughtAudio's production of Anthem, one of Rand's earlier novels. Anthem sets the stage for what's to come in Rand's later works. It's an entertaining science fiction novella and a great introduction to Ayn Rand's philosophy. This audio book is available on MP3 download through ThoughAudio.com and narrated by Michael Scott.

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