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This Author: Adlai Stevenson
This Publisher: American Rhetoric

U.N. Security Council Exchange on the Presence of Nuclear Missiles in Cuba by Adlai Stevenson

U.N. Security Council Exchange on the Presence of Nuclear Missiles in Cuba

by Adlai Stevenson

Title Details

Audio Original


STEVENSON "All right sir, let me ask you one simple question. Do you, Ambassador Zorin, deny that the U-S-S-R has placed and is placing medium and intermediate range missiles and sites in Cuba? Yes or no? Don't wait for the translation, yes or no?"

ZORIN (statement in Russian followed by English translation through a United Nations Interpreter): "I am not - I am not in an American courtroom, sir, and therefore I do not wish to answer a question that is put to me in the fashion in which a prosecutor does..."

-Adlai Stevenson and Valerian Zorin

This speech was delivered October 25, 1962

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