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This Author: Peter Lamborn Wilson
This Publisher: Naropa University

Peter Lamborn Wilson Lecture, Plowing the Clouds by Peter Lamborn Wilson

Peter Lamborn Wilson Lecture, Plowing the Clouds

by Peter Lamborn Wilson

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 34 Min.


A Peter Lamborn Wilson lecture on the role of the poet in interpreting archaeology, anthropology, and human pre-history. He encourages poets to get involved in learning about these fields and taking on the task of interpreting the evidence, since scientists are reluctant to draw conclusions about the past. Wilson believes that we should move beyond interdisciplinary studies to what he calls "anti-categorization." During the course of the lecture he outlines some of his own ideas about the origin of consciousness, Neanderthal people, paleolithic writing, the Babylonian story of Marduk and Gilgamesh, and other aspects of early human history.

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