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This Author: Richard M. Nixon
This Publisher: American Rhetoric

Richard M. Nixon: Farewell Remarks to White House Cabinet and Staff by Richard M. Nixon

Richard M. Nixon: Farewell Remarks to White House Cabinet and Staff

by Richard M. Nixon


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
21 Min.
User Rating
  3.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


"And so I say to you on this occasion we leave, we leave proud of the people who have stood by us and worked for us and served this country. We want you to be proud of what you've done. We want you to continue to serve in Government, if that is your wish. Always give your best; never get discouraged; never be petty. Always remember others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself."

-Richard Nixon

This speech was delivered August 9, 1974.

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