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This Author: Nelson Mandela
This Publisher: Speechworks

Father of a Nation by Nelson Mandela

Father of a Nation

by Nelson Mandela


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 19 Min.


Contains speeches and addresses given by the anti-apartheid activist and former President of South Africa. Tracks include 1-International Tribute for a Free South Africa Concert held at Wembley Stadium in London two months after the release of Mandela from apartheid prison. 2-Speech to U.N. Committee against Apartheid. 3-Address to the Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress appealing for support of the struggle for a multi-racial democracy in South Africa. 4-Free At Last speech announcing the ANC election victory. 5-Inaugural Address delivered on May 10, 1994 with a forward-looking celebration of the changes that had taken place in South Africa.

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