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This Author: Richard M. Nixon
This Publisher: American Rhetoric

Address to the Nation on Vietnam by Richard M. Nixon

Address to the Nation on Vietnam

by Richard M. Nixon


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
19 Min.


"I understand the deep concerns which have been raised in this country, fanned by reports of brutalities in Vietnam. Let me put this into perspective. I have visited Vietnam many times, and speaking now from that experience and as Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, I feel it is my duty to speak up for the two and a half million fine young Americans who have served in Vietnam. The atrocity charges in individual cases should not and cannot be allowed to reflect on their courage and their self-sacrifice. War is a terrible and cruel experience for a nation, and it's particularly terrible and cruel for those who bear the burden of fighting."

-Richard M. Nixon

Delivered on April 7, 1971.

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